# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative 'oppen/mixins'
require_relative 'oppen/printer'
require_relative 'oppen/print_stack'
require_relative 'oppen/scan_stack'
require_relative 'oppen/token'
require_relative 'oppen/version'
require_relative 'wadler/print'

# Oppen.
module Oppen
  extend Mixins

  # Entry point of the pretty printer.
  # @param config   [Config]
  #   to customize the printer's behavior.
  # @param new_line [String]
  #   the delimiter between lines.
  # @param out      [Object]
  #   the output string buffer. It should have a `write` and `string` methods.
  # @param space    [String, Proc]
  #   indentation string or a string generator.
  #   - If a `String`, spaces will be generated with the the lambda
  #     `->(n){ space * n }`, where `n` is the number of columns to indent.
  #   - If a `Proc`, it will receive `n` and it needs to return a `String`.
  # @param tokens   [Array<Token>] the list of tokens to be printed.
  # @param width    [Integer]      maximum line width desired.
  # @return [String] output of the pretty printer.
  def self.print(config: Config.oppen, new_line: "\n",
                 out: StringIO.new, space: ' ', tokens: [], width: 80)
    printer = Printer.new width, new_line, config, space, out
    tokens.each do |token|
      printer.print token

  # Config.
  class Config
    attr_accessor :indent_anchor

    # @param eager_print               [Boolean]
    #   whether to eagerly print.
    # @param indent_anchor             [Symbol]
    #   the different ways of handling the indentation of nested groups.
    #   - `:end_of_previous_line`: In the case of a new line in a nested group,
    #     the next string token will be displayed with indentation = previous
    #     line width + last group indentation. Defined in Oppen's paper.
    #   - `:current_offset`: When printing a new line in a nested group, the
    #     next string token will be displayed with an indentation equal to the
    #     sum of the indentations of all its parent groups. This is an
    #     extension to Oppen's work.
    # @param trim_trailing_whitespaces [Boolean]
    #   whether to trim trailing whitespaces.
    # @param upsize_stack              [Boolean]
    #   whether to upsize stack when needed.
    # @example `:end_of_previous_line` anchor
    #   config = Oppen::Config.new(indent_anchor: :end_of_previous_line)
    #   out = Oppen::Wadler.new config:, width: 13
    #   out.text 'And she said:'
    #   out.group(indent: 4) {
    #     out.group(indent: 4) {
    #       out.break
    #       out.text 'Hello, World!'
    #     }
    #   }
    #   out.output
    #   # =>
    #   # And she said:
    #   #                  Hello, World!
    # @example `:current_offset anchor`
    #   config = Oppen::Config.new(indent_anchor: :current_offset)
    #   out = Oppen::Wadler.new config:, width: 13
    #   out.text 'And she said:'
    #   out.group(indent: 4) {
    #     out.group(indent: 4) {
    #       out.break
    #       out.text 'Hello, World!'
    #     }
    #   }
    #   out.output
    #   # =>
    #   # And she said:
    #   #         Hello, World!
    def initialize(eager_print: false, indent_anchor: :end_of_previous_line,
                   trim_trailing_whitespaces: false, upsize_stack: false)
      @eager_print = eager_print
      @indent_anchor = indent_anchor
      @trim_trailing_whitespaces = trim_trailing_whitespaces
      @upsize_stack = upsize_stack

    # Print groups eagerly.
    # @example
    #   out = Oppen::Wadler.new(width: 13)
    #   out.group {
    #     out.group {
    #       out.text 'abc'
    #       out.breakable
    #       out.text 'def'
    #     }
    #     out.group {
    #       out.text 'ghi'
    #       out.breakable
    #       out.text 'jkl'
    #     }
    #   }
    #   out.output
    #   # eager_print: false =>
    #   # abc
    #   # defghi jkl
    #   #
    #   # eager_print: true =>
    #   # abc defghi
    #   #        jkl
    # @return [Boolean]
    def eager_print? = @eager_print

    def trim_trailing_whitespaces? = @trim_trailing_whitespaces

    def upsize_stack? = @upsize_stack

    # Default configuration that provides printing behaviour identical to what's
    # been described by Oppen.
    # @return [Config]
    def self.oppen

    # Configure the printer to behave more like
    # [ruby/prettyprint](https://github.com/ruby/prettyprint):
    #   1. groups are printed eagerly (we try to flush on a group's close).
    #   2. The indentation is anchored on the left margin.
    #   3. Trailing whitespaces are removed.
    # The name was amusingly chosen in reference to
    # [Wadler](https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf)'s
    # work on pretty printing.
    # @return [Config]
    def self.wadler(eager_print: true, trim_trailing_whitespaces: true, upsize_stack: true)
        indent_anchor: :current_offset,

  # @param value [String]
  #   the string to print.
  # @param width [Integer]
  #   the string's effective width. Useful when printing HTML, e.g.
  #   `<span>value</span>`, where the effective width is that of the inner
  #   text.
  # @return [Token::String]
  #   a new String token.
  def self.string(value, width: value.length)
    Token::String.new(value, width:)

  # @return [Token::Whitespace] a new Whitespace token.
  def self.whitespace(value)
    Token::Whitespace.new(value, width: value.bytesize)

  # @param str               [String]
  #   value shown if no new line is needed.
  # @param line_continuation [String]
  #   printed before the line break.
  # @param offset            [Integer]
  #   additional indentation to be added to the current indentation level.
  # @param width             [Integer]
  #   the string's effective width. Useful when printing HTML, e.g.
  #   `<span>value</span>`, where the effective width is that of the inner
  #   text.
  # @return [Token::Break]
  #   a new Break token.
  # @see Wadler#break example on `line_continuation`.
  def self.break(str = ' ', line_continuation: '', offset: 0, width: str.length)
    Token::Break.new(str, width:, line_continuation:, offset:)

  # @param line_continuation [String]
  #   printed before the line break.
  # @param offset            [Integer]
  #   additional indentation to be added to the current indentation level.
  # @return [Token::LineBreak]
  #   a new LineBreak token.
  # @see Wadler#break example on `line_continuation`.
  def self.line_break(line_continuation: '', offset: 0)
    Token::LineBreak.new(line_continuation:, offset:)

  # In a consistent group, the presence of a new line inside the group will
  # propagate to the other Break tokens in the group causing them all to act as
  # a new line.
  # @param offset [Integer]
  #   the additional indentation of the group.
  # @return [Token::Begin]
  #   a new consistent Begin token.
  # @example Function Arguments
  #   fun(
  #       arg1,
  #       arg2,
  #       arg3,
  #       arg4,
  #      )
  # @see Wadler#group
  def self.begin_consistent(offset: 2)
    Token::Begin.new(break_type: :consistent, offset:)

  # In an inconsistent group, the presence of a new line inside the group will
  # not propagate to the other Break tokens in the group letting them decide if
  # they need to act as a new line or not.
  # @param offset [Integer] the additional indentation of the group.
  # @return [Token::Begin] a new inconsistent Begin token.
  # @example when used for the display of a function's arguments.
  #   fun(
  #       arg1, arg2,
  #       arg3, arg4,
  #      )
  # @see Wadler#group
  def self.begin_inconsistent(offset: 2)
    Token::Begin.new(break_type: :inconsistent, offset:)

  # @return [Token::End] a new End token.
  def self.end

  # @return [Token::EOF] a new EOF token.
  def self.eof